1. Match people who are likely to get on with each other to work together – think complementary skills. Similar ages can get on well together as can older ones with younger ones
  2. Ask current volunteers to suggest other potentials
  3. Give volunteers items associated with the service – T shirts, mugs, wrist bands etc.
  4. Have a range of social events regularly on offer. The fact they are listed is as important as them being attended
  5. Be flexible and adapt to meet the changing needs and offers of volunteers, aim to maintain your investment.
  6. Offer regular supervision, make sure the volunteers know their contribution is valued and expected to meet standards.
  7. Offer some form of progression – involvement in selection, induction and training for example.
  8. Always have a Christmas / End of Year celebration.
  9. Know all your volunteers by name, and know something about them.
  10. Keep your volunteers well informed about what is going on in the wider service / charity.